- Kusliy, P. Vostrikova, E. (2019) De Re Attitude Reports about Disjunctive Beliefs.Proceedings of PLC-42. (PDF)
- Kusliy, P. (2018) Simultaneous under Past: English Present-under-Past in fronted CP and fronted VP constructions. Proceedings of NELS-48. (PDF)
- Kusliy, P., Vostrikova, E. (2018) Hard cases of third readings in terms of the Standard Solution. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung-22. Pp. 37-52. (PDF)
- Kusliy, P. (2017) On Incompatibilities Between Tenses and Temporal Adverbs in English, Japanese, and Russian. Proceedings of NELS-47. (PDF)
Talks & Posters
- Kusliy, P. (2019) Heycock’s Puzzle and a Semantic Approach to Condition C. Presented at Sinn und Bedeutung 24. Osnabrück University. September 6, 2019. (Poster, Handout)
- Kusliy, P. (2019). Heycock’s Puzzle and Similarities between CPs and Indefinites. Presented at GLOW 42. University of Oslo. May 8, 2019. (Poster, Handout)
Kusliy, P. (2018). English Present tense is relative: evidence from VP-fronting. Presented at MIT Ling Lunch. Department of Linguistics and Philosophy, MIT. February 8, 2018. (Handout)
- Kusliy, P. (2017). Simultaneous under Past: English Present-under-Past in CP/VP-fronted constructions. Presented at NELS-48. University of Iceland. October 29, 2017. (Poster, Handout)
- Kusliy, P.; Vostrikova, E. (2017). Hard Cases of Third Readings in Terms of the Standard Solution. Presented at Sinn und Bedeutung-22. University of Potsdam, Germany. September 8, 2017. (Handout)
- Kusliy, P. (2017). Embedded Tense in Russian and the Temporal De Re. Presented at FARL-2, Moscow, Russia. March 29, 2017. (Handout)
Kusliy, P. (2016). Past Tense as a Pair of Times. Presented at the Workshop on the Meaning of Past Tense. Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. December 20, 2016. (Handout)
- Kusliy, P. (2016) Unexpected Incompatibilities Between Tenses and Adverbs. Presented at NELS-47. UMass Amherst. October 15, 2016. (Poster)